Some people may look so decent
some people may look so naive and so innocent
look so nice, so behaved, so angel..
but then they are in disguise
they are wearing golden black mask to cover their real attitude, real behaviour
but the fact...
they are butting into everybody's business except their own, and spying on people as if they think they are paparazzi
constantly gossip about people
mind your own business and your own life... will u????
i never bother and being busybody about yours..
please keep yourself away from my personal life
put some respect on me as your friend..
now i get it..!! don't ever simply trust with people around us..and not even your own friend ....eventhou they r showing you with their friendly,nice , innocent face and attitude...
oouuhh...nape mrh sgt ni mizara..?
i slalu ouh stalk ur blog..tamo mrh i cmni ouh..ngee~ ;D
nand- tak marah ar..jgn risau..mana de perkataan kesat i lemparkan kan kan?? ..cuma tak puas hati skit je pasal orang yg agak suka membizi body pasal life i yang i kenal ye pun..bukan u all ok hehehe...
marah i la tu
sorry tawwww
deusXmachina- haaaa mmg i marah kan u..huhuhu...adehhh korang ni ..hehe
ok2 janji tak wat lagi
deus..eii pjh arr nama die ni..erk888- bagus2..mcm tu la kawan yg tulus telus dan mulus..
esok wat balik
ok2 esok last gosip kat surau eh...pasni xwat lagi :)
doki doki- lepas ni ngadap dokumen melambak-lambak ..kalo nak gosip pon tunggu 4.25 pm..haha
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